Modern Languages Package

This package contains titles from two series 'Contemporary Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures' and 'Liverpool Latin American Studies'. The first reflects a wide variety of critical practices and theoretical approaches, in harmony with the intellectual, cultural and social developments which have taken place over the past few decades. All manifestations of contemporary hispanic and lusophone culture and expression are considered, including literature, cinema, popular culture, theory. The second presents research in a broad spectrum of fields, notably history, literature, cultural and social studies, languages, social anthropology, politics, international relations, human geography, archaeology, environmental studies, business and commerce.

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Membership gives you access to 37 multi-user backlist titles included in this package


Additionally, there are 10 titles included that are already open access


Includes titles from 2 well-regarded series on hispanic and lusophone culture and literature


Membership fees go towards enabling OA frontlist books

The books in this package are shown below if you scroll down past the fees table, or you can click on this icon to download the list of titles, authors, ISBN and year of publication in .xls format. Access to titles will be provided at the start of the next calendar year.

Table of fees

Library and institutional members are banded according to their size. Based on this, our annual membership fees are:

Tier Description 2025 2026 2027
Tier 1 Large institutions with active research programmes $1219 / £848 $1280 / £890 $1344 / £935
Tier 2 Small to mid-sized research universities; commercial customers $981 / £689 $1030 / £723 $1081 / £760
Tier 3 ‘New universities’ and other medium-sized institutions with a focus on undergraduate study $848 / £583 $890 / £612 $935 / £643
Tier 4 Smaller / specialised institutions and lesser-funded institutions $610 / £424 $640 / £445 $672 / £467
Tier 5 Non-profits, museums, schools $398 / £265 $417 / £278 $438 / £292

Membership is for a minimum of three years. The slight rise in membership fees for 2025-2027 reflects rising inflation rates alongside rising production costs for publishers globally. The renewed fees allow LUP to continue to use membership revenue solely to produce new OA monographs, moving towards an affordable, sustainable model for the future of academic publishing. And while the rises are around 5%, in real terms they are no more than a rise of around $20 to $100 a year.

Shown in table are annual fees in USD (US Dollars, $) / GBP (Pound Sterling, £), excluding VAT.

Contemporary Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures (CHLC)

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Gimeno Ugalde, Esther, Marta Pacheco Pinto, and Ângela Fernandes eds., Iberian and Translation Studies, September 2021, 9781800857407

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Bollig, Benjamin, Moving Verses, August 2021, 9781800857902

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Enjuto-Rangel, Cecilia, Sebastiaan Faber, Pedro García-Caro, and Robert Patrick Newcomb eds., Translatlantic Studies, November 2019, 9781789624427

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Harvey-Kattou, Liz, Contested Identities in Costa Rica, June 2019, 9781789624175

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Galasso, Regina Translating New York, June 2018, 9781786948670

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Carvalho, Bruno Porous City, September 2017, 9781786948595

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Colmeiro, José, Peripheral Visions / Global Sounds, June 2017, 9781786948151

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Resina, Joan Ramon, The Ghost in the Constitution, June 2017, 9781786948106

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Smith, Paul Julian, Dramatized Societies: Quality Television in Spain and Mexico, November 2016, 9781781383728

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Song, H. Rosi, Lost in Transition: Constructing Memory in Contemporary Spain, May 2016, 9781781384602

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Zamora, Andrés, Featuring Post-National Spain. Film Essays, May 2016, 9781781384626

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Resina, Joan Ramon, Iberian Modalities, February 2013, 9781781386750

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Ilas, Edgar, Thinking Barcelona, October 2012, 9781781387924

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Hooper, Kirsty, Writing Galicia into the World, April 2011, 9781781386866

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Vilaseca, David, Queer Events, May 2010, 9781800855502

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Julian Smith, Paul, Spanish Screen Fiction, October 2009, 9781800855014

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Gossy, Mary, Empire on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown, May 2009, 9781800855038

Bonus books in the CHLC collection that are already OA

These 7 titles are already OA so they are not part of the membership subscription package - there are no charges or barriers for anyone to access them. We've listed them here as a bonus and for completeness because they are part of the CHLC series.

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Moreno-Caballud, Luis, Cultures of anyone, July 2015, 9781781382035

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Krauel, Javier, Imperial Emotions, November 2013, 9781781385623

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Davies, Ann, Spanish Spaces, April 2012, 9781781387962

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Prádanos, Luis I., Postgrowth Imaginaries, November 2018, 9781786949363

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Silva, Daniel F., Anti-Empire, September 2018, 9781786949370

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Mayhew, Jonathan, The Twilight of the Avant-Garde, May 2009, 9781789624229

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Paula Ferreira, Ana, Women Writing Portuguese Colonialism in Africa, October 2020, 9781789628241

Liverpool Latin American Studies (LLAS)

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Broderick, Céire, Colonial Legacies and Contemporary Identities in Chile , June 2021, 9781800345546

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Pérez Marín, Yarí, Marvels of Medicine, October 2020, 9781789622676

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Brown, Katie, Writing and the Revolution, June 2019, 9781786942821

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Baeza Ruz, Andrés, Contacts, Collisions and Relationships, April 2019, 9781786949677

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Coletta, Michela, Decadent Modernity, October 2018, 9781786948816

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Priego, Natalia, Positivism, Science and ‘The Scientists’ in Porfirian Mexico, January 2016, 9781781384381

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Ossa Santa Cruz, Juan Luis, Armies, Politics and Revolution, December 2014, 9781781387443

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Pearce, Adrian, J., British Trade with Spanish America, 1763-1808, March 2014, 9781800855465

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Goebel, Michael, Argentina’s Partisan Past, April 2011, 9781781386132

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O'Toole, Gavin, The Reinvention of Mexico, October 2010, 9781781388228

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Wylie, Lesley, Colonial Tropes and Postcolonial Tricks, July 2009, 9781800855496

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Brown, Matthew, Adventuring Through Spanish Colonies, November 2006, 9781800855021

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Davies, Catherine, and Claire Brewster and Hilary Owen eds., South American Independence, September 2006, 9781781387979

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Taylor, Lewis, Shining Path, June 2006, 9781800855489

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Lambright, Anne, Andean Truths, November 2015, 9781781384374

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Fisher, John, Bourbon Peru 1750-1824, September 2003, 9781781386217

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Stobart, Henry, and Rosaleen Howard eds., Knowledge and Learning in the Andes, May 2003, 9781781386842

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Bradley, Peter T., and David Cahill eds., Habsburg Peru, November 1999, 9781781386699

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Dávila, Carlos, and Rory Miller eds., Business History in Latin America, March 1999, 9781781386248

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Williams, Caroline A., Between Resistance and Adaptation, July 2004, 9781781386187

Bonus books in the LLAS collection that are already OA

These 3 titles are already OA so they are not part of the membership subscription package - there are no charges or barriers for anyone to access them. We've listed them here as a bonus and for completeness because they are part of the CHLC series.

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McAllister, Catriona, Literary Reimaginings of Argentina’s Independence, December 2021 (online)/January 2022 (print), 9781800345515

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de la Fuente, Ariel, Borges, Desire, and Sex, November 2008, 9781786949509

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Rocha, Carolina, Argentine Cinema and National Identity (1966-1976), January 2018, 9781786948267

Access to titles will be provided at the start of the next calendar year.

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